US Violent Extremist Mobilization Indicators
Some potential signs that your loved one may be planning an act of violence.
Are they...
- Producing, promoting, or extensively consuming violent extremist
content online or in person, including violent extremist videos,
narratives, media, and messaging for suspected criminal purposes - Praising, or researching to emulate, past successful or attempted
attacks or attackers - Increasing or extreme adherence to conspiracy theories as a
justification of violence against ideological targets .. - Changing vocabulary, style of speech, or behavior to reflect a
hardened point of view or new sense of purpose associated with
violent extremist causes, particularly after a catalyzing event.
National Counterterrorism Center
Publication Date:
FBI. US Violent Extremist Mobilization Indicators. FBI, https://www.dni.gov/files/NCTC/documents/news_documents/Mobilization_Indicators_Booklet_2021.pdf
Countering Violent Extremism
Amanda Morton
Comment Date:
Some potential signs that your loved one may be planning an act of violence.
Are they...
- Producing, promoting, or extensively consuming violent extremist
content online or in person, including violent extremist videos,
narratives, media, and messaging for suspected criminal purposes - Praising, or researching to emulate, past successful or attempted
attacks or attackers - Increasing or extreme adherence to conspiracy theories as a
justification of violence against ideological targets .. - Changing vocabulary, style of speech, or behavior to reflect a
hardened point of view or new sense of purpose associated with
violent extremist causes, particularly after a catalyzing event.
If so, please seek help from the resources we've provided, or call 911 if you think there's an immediate threat.